Helping Animals Since 1977

Cat Foster Application Form

Offering cats a foster home gives them a second chance at life. Many cats are abandoned or, for various reasons, cannot stay in their present homes. Without foster homes, there would be nowhere for these pets to go.

Thank you for helping us help them. Please e-mail if you have any questions.

Please provide your contact details

First Name
Please let us know your name.
Last Name
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Please let us know your email address.
Home Phone
Please write your phone number including the area code.
Work Phone
Please write your phone number including the area code.
Street Address
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Apt./Unit #
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Postal Code
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Are you a student?

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If you are a student, are your roommates in agreement with fostering?

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How did you hear about Animalert?
Please let us know your message.

Tell us about yourself

Why are you interested in fostering?
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Do you currently have pets?

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If yes, please list the type of pets, how many, their ages and whether they have been spayed, neutered or declawed:
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Have you had other pets in the past that are no longer with you?

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If yes, tell us about some of the pets you've owned:
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How many adults are in the family?
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What are the work hours for each adult?
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Are there children in the family?

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If yes, please list the number of children and their ages.
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Have they lived with pets or been around pets?

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If yes, please explain:
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If the children haven't been around pets, what plans do you have to educate them about the care and treatment of the cat?
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Does anyone in your family have allergies?

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Do all your family members agree to foster a cat?

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What is the activity level in your home?

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Do you live in a:

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If other, please explain:
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Do you own or rent your home?

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If you rent your home, does your landlord know about and approve of your plans to foster?

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What's your Landlord's Name?
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And his/her Contact Number?
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A few more details about fostering

We always want to make sure we have the best fit for our foster homes. Please answer the following questions to help describe the type of cat you are willing to foster.

What personality traits interest you?
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What energy level you would like the cat to have? (check all that apply)

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Do you have a preference in the sex of the foster cat?

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Are you willing to foster a cat of any age?

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If no, what age would you consider?
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Are you willing to take your foster cat to vet appointments at a convenient time for you?

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Do you have access to a vehicle?

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If no, please explain:
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Are you willing and able to medicate your foster cat, if needed?

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Are you willing to take your foster cat to an adoption event on a Saturday or Sunday?

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How many hours in a day would the foster cat be left alone?
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How long are you available to foster?
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Everyone has a right to expect that their information will be managed and maintained in strictest confidence, view our Privacy Policy to know how Animalert handles your sensitive and personal information.